Please feel free to contact Henry Munoz Broker and Loan officer with any real estate related questions.
Currently the big banks have made it very difficult to qualify for a residential or commercial real estate loan.
If you have a commercial property that you need immediate financing call me. I have access to private mortgage funds that are not connected with the big banks.
I specialize in the transactions that others turn down due to many issues.
Many of the big banks and other lenders only will work on the easy transactions that need to fit in a box. Every transaction and client has different needs and qualifying critera.
Many properties have title issues and uninsurable deeds recorded. This makes it difficult to obtain title insurance, Without title insurance you will find it very difficult to sell,refinance or purchase a property.
I work closely with experienced Title officers and Attorneys who specialize in these issues.
Feel free to call Henry Munozt,Real Estate Broker , Loan Officer and Paralegal at 310-975-9739 for a free consultation.